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Weed Brands

El Blunto

Born from a passion for craftsmanship and quality, El Blunto is an evolution of historic cigar-making tradition. Borrowing age-old techniques from master cigar-rollers, they create products of the highest caliber with the highest level of finishing. El Blunto flower is grown in-house and sourced from other award winning cultivators throughout California. Their state-of-the-art indoor cultivation facility is located in Downtown Los Angeles. El Blunto is owned and operated by Albert Einstone’s Cannabis Co. (AE), the California-based distribution, cultivation and manufacturing company that produces, develops and distributes products.

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Bountiful Farms

At Bountiful Farms, they are dedicated to going above and beyond. They leave no path unexplored to ensure they are only sharing the most exceptional cannabis experience to bring you better days. Always.

Bountiful Farms was founded with a plan to build an enduring legacy, deeply rooted in principled decision making. Core to their success is a commitment to improve the lives of their patients, partners, employees and the community. Every choice they make is intended to instill trust where others leave questions.

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From pre-rolls to full ounces, pre-ground to whole flower, and everything in between, Find always gives you the quality and quantity you want at a price that’ll make you smile.

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Nature’s Heritage

Curating an archive of genetics from around the world, we cultivate unique strains of cannabis that capture the finest elements of the plant. We care for our plants like Mother Nature would, never cutting corners. Explore the fine lineages of Nature’s Heritage.

Look into Nature. Honor your Heritage. Trust in Trees.

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